Thank you Lori L. MacLaughlin!

Lori L. MacLaughlin nominated me for the Liebster Award!  Thank you, Lori, for noticing my blog and for selecting it for recognition.

For those of you who don’t already know Lori, please visit her blog.  Lori blogs about her own writing, especially her new novel, Lady Thy Name is Trouble.

The current rules for accepting this award are:

liebster-award-2-405x3721 rules-for-liebster-award-1024x819

Lori had some great questions!  Here are my answers:

1.     What is the best place you’ve visited?  Venice.  Hands down.  You have to go.

2.     What’s the most unusual thing you’ve done?  Hmmmmm.  Still thinking.  I’ll get back to you when I come up with something.

3.     What’s your favorite song?  You Are The Answer To My Question by Kishi Bashi

4.     What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Belgian Chocolate by Hagan Daz

5.     What fictional character do you like best?  Elizabeth Bennett

6.     What’s the best book you’ve read in the past year?  The Tiger’s Wife

7.     Do you have any phobias?  Claustrophobia.  No coffins for me.

8.     Morning person or night owl?  Morning

9.     What’s at the top of your bucket list?  To visit Cape Town, South Africa

10.  What do you consider your most important personality trait?  I have a strong sense of right and wrong.  I’m a good girl by nature, and there’s not a thing I can do about it.

11.  Have you ever performed or been the recipient of a random act of kindness and what was it?  I’m sure they happen more often that I realize.  Recently a co-worker stopped in my office to ask if everything was okay.  It was – I had my share of stresses that day, but nothing terrible.  But it was kind of him to pause and check in on me for no other reason than because he cared.

Eleven random facts about me.  Gee whiz.  This is hard work!

1.     I’m very thin.

2.     I once composed an award-winning song on the piano.

3.     I met my husband on e-harmony.

4.     I’ve never done drugs (remember – I’m a rule follower)

5.     I cried when I saw ‘Titanic’.

6.     I had a shrine to Joey Lawrence when I was a teenager.

7.     I like antiques.

8.     I was meant to be wealthy.  Not sure what happened there.

9.     I get motion sick in the car.

10.  I enjoy going to plays.  Not a fan of operas, though.

11.  I like The Britcoms on PBS.


But enough about me!  On to my nominees.  I know that some have under 200 followers, but I’m not sure about all of them.  Here they are, just the same:

1.     James Derry

2.     Mark Victor Young

3.     Anna Bayes

4.     Nicholas C. Rossis

5.     Cassidy Frazee

6.     Mbarkersimpson

7.     Joseph Pinto

8.     Eli Glasman

9.    Jorobinson176

10.  Alittlebirdtweets

11.  Annie’s Muse


And my questions for those who accept the award:

1.     Do you ever splurge and fly first-class?

2.     For a vacation – mountains or beach?

3.     What is one thing you would try to fit in to your daily routine to improve your quality of life?

4.     Are you an introvert or extrovert?

5.     Do you prefer the idea of self-publishing or going the traditional route?  Why?  And, if the later, how many rejections would it take for you to consider the former?

6.     Who is your favorite author?

7.     If you were a Kardashian, which one would you be?

8.     If you had a big wedding, would you spend the money on something else if you could do it over again?  Why/why not?  If you’re not married, well, skip to question 9.

9.     You’ve decided to change your name.  What will it be?

10.  Share an accomplishment for which you wish you’d been more recognized.

11.  No one will ever read your book/short story/poetry.  Was it still worth writing?

That’s it.  Thanks again to Lori and to everyone who reads my posts!

8 thoughts on “Thank you Lori L. MacLaughlin!

  1. You’re welcome, Lauren! I enjoyed reading your answers and facts. Your #8 fact made me laugh. I would love to go to Venice. Visiting Italy is near the top of my bucket list. And I’m definitely with you on the claustrophobia thing. Now I get to check out some new blogs. That’s always fun. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Pingback: Lauren Jeffrey has nominated me for a Liebster Award | Nicholas C. Rossis

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